Tripping the Light Fantastic

Something happened in 2015 that I’ve shared with only a few close family and friends. I “heard” from my mother who has been deceased since 1983.

It’s taken the past seven years and more experiences of “hearing” from loved ones (mine and other people’s) to accept that I’m clairaudient. Clear hearing is what clairaudience means and it’s the psychic ability to channel messages from The Other Side. For me, it comes with a thought that doesn’t feel like mine that translates to a “voice” that is distinctly someone with a message to share. Think of it like when you read multiple books by your favorite author and you become familiar with their “voice” in the storytelling.

As I did that first day with my mother, when I receive a clairaudient message I sit down immediately with paper and pen to record it. I’m able to channel the message through automatic writing. I’m essentially a secretary taking a dictated letter. I feel a responsibility to deliver these beautiful messages but it’s definitely awkward to approach someone out of the blue to say, “Hey, I have a message from your deceased mom/dad/grandmother/best friend.” I now truly believe that people (souls) don’t die they pass over to The Other Side and they have messages for their loved ones because love never dies.

The peace and joy I’ve experienced by communicating with my mother has eased the grief and despair of losing her when I was barely 18. I’ve come to consider myself a sort of spiritual postmistress and I’m looking forward to bringing messages to others so they can experience the beautiful connection that continues.