The Four o' clock Martini Chronicles: A Search Starts

In September 2018 I reached out to an Adoption Reunion Search Angel I’d come across on LinkedIn (of all places). In my direct message to her I asked what the first step would be to start a search for one’s birth family. Three hours later she responded and asked if I knew the birth parents names, birth dates or places, ages, or any background information. I tell her what little bit I know which has come from my mother over 40 years ago. It doesn’t include any concrete information about who the birth parents are. No problem she says, she’ll conduct research to find out a definite birth name and will get back to me. I’m not believing this is really going to work yet 24 hours later I receive an email saying her research has turned up something. A last name that looks like the birth mother’s and initials of the birth father’s but no last name. She encourages me to request non-identifying information from the agency I was adopted through, gives me contact information and suggests I do a DNA test through Ancestry.

As I start to think about the biologicals, I get out a box of family pictures and start going through it over a few evenings time. I’ve moved this box of pictures around with me since I was 18 and have looked through it many, many times. Midway through the box I pull out a manila envelope with my mother’s handwriting called “forever papers.” This isn’t a new discovery, I’ve seen this envelope before and I’ve pulled the papers out and looked through them. It contains my parents divorce papers, early drafts of my mother’s will and some of my adoption papers. I start to set it aside and then decide to look through it again. I leaf through until I come across a legal size document typed on thin, translucent paper titled “In the Matter of the Petition to adopt a minor female child.” It’s much like the other paperwork I’ve read until I reach the bottom of the first page and a section called “Natural Parents.”

There in plain sight for 35 years was information about my biological mother including her birth date (she was 21 years old when I was born), the date of her marriage to the biological father (she was 18) and a description of him being born a year before her, completing high school through the 11th grade and serving in the military. Stunning beginning pieces of the puzzle and amazing that it had gone unnoticed for all these years.

I forward the newly discovered details to the Search Angel and she puts my directly in touch with her researcher. She says she will continue to search for more information that can lead to the identity of the biologicals and says what we know already is huge. What I’ve learned in only two months is dizzying and in November of 2018 I send my DNA sample to Ancestry and a request to the adoption agency for any information they can give me. Now I wait.